You can’t buy your way into hip-hop: A response to ’Drake’s cultural impact transcends the battle with Kendrick Lamar’
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
Millennials shouldn’t get all the blameSabrina Zelaya Opinion February 5, 2019 0Recently, I saw a couple articles that criticized millennials for not grocery shopping as much. Another one criticized millennials for...
Shutdown could be a sign of more to comeMichelle Quintero Opinion February 5, 2019 0The longest government shutdown the United States has ever experienced has affected federal employees in all 50 states. On Dec. 22,...
It took 13 years to graduate, but it’s worth itJessica Araujo Opinion February 5, 2019 0It only took me 13 years to finally graduate. I know I’m not the only one. Growing up, we idealize...
Standoff a reminder of past injusticesNoor Naji Opinion January 29, 2019 0The viral video of a Catholic teen and a Native American activist has been watched by millions since the incident...
Teachers’ strike benefits futureAllison Now Opinion January 29, 2019 0The foundation of our country relies on how we educate younger generations, thus we should pay our teachers accordingly —...
The cost of English globalizationNoor Naji Opinion January 22, 2019 0It was Theodore Roosevelt who proclaimed that “We have room for but one language here, and that is the English...
New Year’s resolution solutionsElizabeth Hernandez Opinion January 22, 2019 0The beginning of the year, like a race, represents a clean slate and new opportunities. A common practice is to...