You can’t buy your way into hip-hop: A response to ’Drake’s cultural impact transcends the battle with Kendrick Lamar’
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
Portion of Parking Lot E closed due to Rose Float Lab and Design Complex constructionKimberly Ramirez News October 1, 2019 0A portion of Parking Lot E will be closed until the construction of the Rose Float project is complete, which...
ASI to vote on student election endorsementsAnela Miki-Han News October 1, 2019 0On Sept. 26, Associated Student Inc. (ASI) debated the newly recommended ASI Election Candidate Code during the last Board of...
Fall career fair connects CPP students with potential employersTaylor Johnson News October 1, 2019 0Students were dressed to impress as they gathered in University Quad where 125 employers sought out potential hires at the...
Caltrans closes I-10 westbound on-ramp to Kellogg DriveLauren Bruno News September 24, 2019 0On Sept. 19, Police Chief Dario Robinson circulated a university-wide email announcing the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) would be...
CSU system supports DACA recipientsGeorgia Valdes News September 24, 2019 0An August press release by the California State University (CSU) system announced the official actions the system will take to...
Dining Services responds to meal plan confusionKelcie Hartley News September 24, 2019 0Students have called out for changes to be made to meal plan options and the Foundation Dining Services are finally...
Proposal for a new concert hall as part of Lanterman ProjectMichelle Quintero News September 24, 2019 0The California State University (CSU) audit of $1.5 billion was found and released as of last June and discussion of...
Adobe Creative Cloud now available for $30 a yearLauren Bruno News September 24, 2019 0It’s the beginning of the semester and the expenses are adding up. Students altogether know the feeling of taking around...
Pi Sigma Epsilon hosts StrEat Walk for cancerZuvanny Macias News September 24, 2019 0Pi Sigma Epsilon, a Beta Kappa fraternity at Cal Poly Pomona, raised $600 of the $1,000 goal in its annual...
ASI hosts National Voter Registration DayCheyenne Thomas News September 24, 2019 0Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) is holding a voter registration event today (Sept. 24) to get students and faculty registered to...