Constant demand for perfection in music performance industry is toxic, harmful, draining but I love it
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
CPP music department celebrates the holidays with Holiday Extravaganza concertAndrew Arce Arts and Culture December 12, 2023 0By Andrew Arce, Dec. 12, 2023 Merry music filled the air of University Theatre when the Cal Poly Pomona music...
What Oldies mean to Chicano cultureErica Roa Arts and Culture December 12, 2023 0By Erica Roa, Dec. 12, 2023 Oldies are at the forefront of most social gatherings for Chicanos. Oldies, according to...
Finding beauty in darkness with assistant professor Evan WareChristian Malone Arts and Culture December 5, 2023 0By Christian Malone, December 5, 2023 In the middle of his contemporary classical music theory class, between in-class activities on...
11 fashion staples from each decade and their impact on contemporary wardrobesGwen Soriano Arts and Culture December 5, 2023 0By Gwen Soriano, Dec. 5, 2023 Cal Poly Pomona student organizations like Fashion Society and Apparel Scapes utilizing vintage influences...
A drive for change: Kyle Conquilla works to give back through carsAndre Stefan Davancens Arts and Culture December 5, 2023 0By Andre Davancens, Dec. 5, 2023 Kyle Conquilla — a computer information systems student — looks to drive change through...
CPP music department hosts 20th Songwriter ShowcaseAthena Flores Arts and Culture December 5, 2023 0By Athena Flores, Dec. 5, 2023 The echoes of voices and instruments linger in the hallways of Building 24 as...
CPP hosts Battle of the Bands for student musiciansDiana Cortez Arts and Culture November 21, 2023 0 205By Diana Cortez, November 21, 2023 Broncos hit the note of delivering emotional performances in this year’s battle of the...
“Priscilla”: The dark side of Elvis, King of Rock ’N’ RollIsla Jade Seitz Arts and Culture November 21, 2023 0By Isla Seitz, November 21, 2023 Sofia Coppola, known for her movies such as “The Virgin Suicides” and “Bling Ring,”...
Save checks; turn necks: Awareness in fast fashion on a student budgetTyrie Lane Arts and Culture November 21, 2023 0By Tyrie Lane, November 21, 2023 With the increase in fashion trends such as “What are you wearing today” and...
5 local Thanksgiving restaurant spots for the Cal Poly Pomona studentThe Poly Post, Marline Esquivel and Kailee Santiago Arts and Culture November 21, 2023 0By Marline Esquivel and Kailee Santiago, November 21, 2023 The holidays can be hard. For college students, the options to...