Director of conflict resolution, ombuds position filled after 5-year vacancy

By: Ava Uhlack. Feb 25, 2025

Mark Patterson has been appointed Cal Poly Pomona’s inaugural Director of Conflict Resolution Services and Ombuds. The original ombuds office closed in 2020 when the previous director, Lavada Austin, retired and Coley decided against appointing an interim to the position, according to previous coverage by The Poly Post.

Patterson took up the role Jan. 6, beginning a transition period to become acquainted with the campus community before the office formally opens later this spring, according to the announcement email sent by President Soraya M. Coley Dec. 12, 2024.

“The position will augment support to the community in responding to matters that do not rise to the level of a violation of the system wide non-discrimination policy but nonetheless impacts campus culture and campus climate,” said Coley in a statement during the Board of Trustees meeting Jan. 29.

The Office of Conflict Resolution and Ombuds served as a place for conflict management, allowing the campus community to anonymously discuss points of contention between one another, whether that be students, staff, faculty or otherwise, according to the ombuds webpage for CPP.

The office is independent of the university, meaning it operates under its own jurisdiction, and under confidentiality. While the office will relay trends regarding what problems are becoming patterns on campus, no personal information can be traced back to any individual person, according to Patterson.

According to Jill Hargis, a political science professor and the interim associate vice president for Faculty Affairs from summer 2021 to July of 2024, independence from the institution and confidentiality were two of the most important elements focused on in the re–establishment process.

These are principles of the International Ombuds Association as advocated for by the Academic Senate in a resolution in 2022. Senators urged  Coley to reinstate the office as its absence left the campus with alternative services that were “inadequate.”

“We worry that there are students and there are faculty that are unhappy or can’t find a way to resolve problems,” said Hargis. “Maybe they’ve been intimidated to go elsewhere, but if anyone has a concern that they aren’t confidential, then they may not be comfortable going. We are providing a space for people to share.”

There have been two searches conducted in order to appoint a new director. Patterson was hired as a finalist from the second search after the first search failed.

According to Hargis, one of the reasons the preliminary search didn’t result in any hiring was because some finalists accepted positions elsewhere before the final round deliberation.

Patterson previously served as university ombuds at the College of William & Mary before starting an ombuds program at CSU Channel Islands. He also served as an interim  ombuds at Cal State Monterey Bay.

Patterson came to CPP because  of what he described as a great level of collaboration across the entirety of the campus and a high level of thoughtfulness that went into the process of re–establishing the office.

“I both want to be a resource for people to navigate whatever differences or difficulties they may come up with but also to help people to feel better able to deal with conflict,” said Patterson. “Conflict is not a failure. It feels scary, but it’s how we manage it and think about it that really matters.”

According to Patterson, the physical location of the office is still in development at a secure location on campus, with hopes to have the office opened this semester.

Once the office is fully functioning, students will be able to make appointments to visit the office or even walkin, according to Patterson.

“I want to highlight the importance of giving people that informal confidential space,” said Patterson. “It’s going to be a work in progress, and I ask for patience from the community as we structure this with the ideal that we can collectively and individually be more competent in dealing with conflict. There are other (ombuds) offices in the CSU, but I think CPP is unique in it intentionally setting up an office that serves the entire community and intended to be part of creating a culture of care.”

Most of the students currently on campus haven’t experienced the presence of the ombuds office because it dissolved about five years ago. That said, bringing back such a resource is going to bring about a positive shift in campus culture, according to Hargis.

“As someone who’s a freshman, I’m still trying to look and visit all the things,” said Briana Rivera, a manufacturing engineering student. “I feel like having a place to go for problems is definitely a good thing. I’d go see the office when it opens.”

More information about the ombuds office can be found on its website, with updates for the office’s opening to be announced later in the semester.

Feature image courtesy of Mark Patterson

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