Cal Poly Pomona has recently announced the short, two-week winter term for the first time since the semester switch. With such a short amount of time to learn and very few classes offered, students were asked, “Are you going to take the winter term?”
“If the winter session had more courses, I would for sure take some course because it is kind of difficult to get classes, especially in math. I would love to take more winter classes in upper-division math if offered.”
“The main problem for me is the price. It doesn’t seem reasonable to pay that high price for the two weeks offered. Like if only GE classes are offered, then why not just go to a community college and get it done there, then just transfer it over.”
“I was considering taking one, but when I checked only computer science was available to take. So that will push me back to take it next year instead. I agree that putting GEs only to be a smart idea because upper-division will be more complicated.”
“I definitely looked into winter classes because I was trying to find courses to do in the break. I did find it surprising that CPP only offered a two-week session because of other CSUs offer at least four weeks. My needed classes aren’t offered, but if they were and I get the same credit from a 16-week semester, I would have given it a shot.”
“I will not take any classes for winter, but I do feel they should put a variety of more classes. Like the courses that get filled up fast should be more available because I know classmates and friends (who) get waitlisted. Winter should be that time to make up for the lost time.”