Photos and quotes compiled by staff writer Taylor Johnson

“It went pretty well …. I would say for upper-division classes, (registering for classes) is easy, but lower division is definitely a lot harder.”

“Literally (every class) right before (registering) was waitlisted, so I had to rearrange my schedule a bunch of times. And now, I have a lot of night classes which I don’t really like … but it’s OK because I have all of the classes that I need which is all that matters.”

“I got the (Oct.) 28 (registration date) which was really late. And then I only got two of the seven classes that I needed, so I have been trying to get the other classes that I need. Two of my core classes may not even be offered so that was rough for me. Now, I have four of the seven classes I need, so it is getting better but slowly.”

”I am just really stressed out because I have a job too and I just have to make sure that everything is on a certain day. And I commute, so I already know it is going to be hard and there are going to be a lot of classes that are not going to be available …. It has never been easy.”

“I wish they had more workshops on how to register and the whole process that goes behind it …. Other than orientation, you really don’t have any guidelines and nobody is talking to you about it. Yesterday, I had all of my classes in my cart and I watched them all slowly become waitisted. So once I get my dues and my Title IX in place, the next issue is how I am going to get into my classes.”

“It was pretty easy; it is my last semester so I just had a few extra classes I need to take …. (For) underclass(men) (it) is harder because you are taking a lot more general (education classes and) as an upper-class(man) you are taking classes only for your major, so it is easier to get into.”

“It was just frustrating because one of the labs I need for my core classes, they didn’t figure out any of the times or any of the staff. So, there was only one section and like a hundred people trying to get into it …. This happens every semester with at least one of my classes.”