There are thousands of fraternities and sororities across the country raising millions of dollars for philanthropiesthat range from supporting Prevent Child Abuse America to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Photo courtesy of David Yurovsky.
A couple of weeks ago, CPP’s Sigma Chi fraternity hosted Derby Days, a weeklong series of charity events in which the chapter competed with campus sororities in efforts to raise money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Throughout the week, money was raised through either donations from students or through fundraising-type events.
The five sororities on campus that participated in these events posted on their social media asking family and fellow students if they wanted like to donate to the cause.
On Instagram, they would post a photo with different donation spaces between $1 and up to $10 and each member was able to get people to donate and fill up all the spaces.
Supporters were also able to Venmo the funds to a member of the sorority and that money then went towards the Greek organization they were supporting.
Third-year finance student and Co-Derby Days ChairmanDavid Yurovsky said fundraising is very important to him and his fraternity.
“We’re glad that even [though] we’re broke college students, students find a way to make sure they donate even just $1 [because it] will make a difference,” Yurovsky said.
Fourth-year international business student and Sigma PresidentMax Gardineragreed with Yurovsky as to why helping out, even in small amounts, is essential.
“Countless lives have been affected by cancer, so it is easy to understand why people are so passionate about eradicating this disease from the earth,” Gardiner said.
Sororities also take part in raising funds for charities.
Chi Omega hosted its philanthropy week to help support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
From Feb.25-March 1, Greek organizations were invited to help participate and support Chi Omega’s Make-A-Wish Week.
Last year, the sorority was part of a profit-share program with Yogurtland and Jinza Teriyaki so that a certain amount of total profits from certain days went directly to Chi Omega’s philanthropy.
Third-year hospitality management student and this year’s Make-A-Wish chair, Sabrina Shepherd, said she worked all year to create events aimed at bringing more students to donate and enjoy.
“We work all year long to come up with events that we know people will enjoy and come out to support our philanthropy,” Shepherd said.
Another Greek organization that also has had success in fundraising is sorority Zeta Tau Alpha.
The organization also partnered with local restaurants around campus to hold profit shares, of which 20% went to charity.
Zeta Tau Alpha’s biggest event is Casino Royale, which happens toward the end of the school year. It is a night full of casino games, dancing, food and raffles. It also is a chance for students who attend to donate money.
Second-year hospitality management student and this year’s Casino Royale chair, Megan Vo, said she is grateful for the Greek community in participating and helping raise money during Casino Royale.
“The Greek community is very supportive of our philanthropy and helps us raise money by attending the Casino Royale and bidding on the silent auctions,” Vo said.