Associated Students Inc. kicked off the new semester with its first open Senate meeting on Thursday, Jan. 31.
The meeting began with a financial status report by ASI Treasurer Noah Tonies. Tonies began the report by stating that as of Dec. 31, 2018, total revenue was $14,619,500, and total expenditures amounted to $5,493,823. He continued with a short budget recap.

Executive Director Liz Roosa Millar took over by moving on to ASI updates about various positions that were in the later phases of being filled. Millar highlighted the Auxiliary Organization Association conference that ASI attended.
The next topic was about the budget continuum which was said to be “in full development and justification phase.” Various department heads along with their teams are preparing a budget of all continuing financial needs as well as considering any new items that should be added.
University Advisor Bernardo Dargan began the next portion of the meeting by announcing the new director of Student Conduct and Integrity, Jonathan Pettigrew.
Dargan announced a couple new vacant positions he is hoping to fill in the upcoming months such as the Coordinator of Undocumented Student Services.
Next, Ashley Joseph, ASI associate director for student government, gave announcements about upcoming events and conferences.
Joseph also gave an update on student government staffing. Joseph stated that they are in the final phases of hiring a student government coordinator and will soon begin the process of hiring a new student government administrative assistant.
Joseph stated that there will be future meetings with the ASI treasurer to work out the student government budget for the next year. “The overall goal is working efficiently through sustainable measures,” Joseph said.

ASI President Jenny Greenberg gave a few announcements.
Greenberg is currently talking with President Soraya Coley about expanding the library hours and will submit a formal letter requesting the expansion soon.
President Coley held the very first University Leadership Counsel, a gathering of top leaders on campus including the deans of different colleges, ASI president and vice president as well as the various heads of departments across campus.
Greenberg made a point to discuss the ways ASI is supporting undocumented students at CPP. She stated that the governmental affairs team has been trying to encourage support for that community.