You can’t buy your way into hip-hop: A response to ’Drake’s cultural impact transcends the battle with Kendrick Lamar’
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
Generation Z: The throwback era keeping trends aliveTaylor Su Opinion October 15, 2019 0Generation Z (Gen Z), unlike other generations, has a recycled fashion style, with very few original trends. Fashion highlights...
Is detox tea a thing of the past?Taylor Johnson Opinion October 15, 2019 0It is no question that diet culture has become more common over the years with the growing popularity of social...
Raytheon should not be allowed to recruit at CPPThe Poly Post Opinion October 15, 2019 1By Triston Mendez Contributing Writer The Young Progressives of America (YPA) have started an anti-war petition to prevent Raytheon and...
How to protect yourself from the fluSteven Everett Opinion October 8, 2019 0Among the many airborne illnesses that exist in the world, the common cold and influenza viruses are the ones most...
High school students need four years of mathLauren Scheer Opinion October 8, 2019 0When I was in high school, I was glad I pushed myself to keep taking math classes until my senior...
Medical parking permits missing on campusGeorgia Valdes Opinion October 1, 2019 0Hastily sipping iced coffee from the reusable straw, you rush down the stairs. You’re exhausted but in a hurry to...
Will the Trump era end early?Daniela Avila Opinion October 1, 2019 0As of Sep. 24, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives announced a formal impeachment inquiry to...
Should filibusters get filibusted?Anela Miki-Han Opinion September 24, 2019 0The United States has a long list of problems such as health care, gun control and prison reforms. The public...
College athletes are not professionalsHector Amezquita Opinion September 24, 2019 0Paying college athletes is a controversy that has been gainging a lot of attention in recent times. College athletes getting...
Social media influencers can make you fall for anything onlineTaylor Su Opinion September 17, 2019 0Nowadays most people have a favorite influencer that posts content on Instagram, YouTube, podcasts or other social media platforms. There...