You can’t buy your way into hip-hop: A response to ’Drake’s cultural impact transcends the battle with Kendrick Lamar’
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
We live in a man’s world: RIP Sarah EverardSamantha Lopez Opinion April 5, 2021 0By Samantha Lopez, April 6, 2021 When the story of Sarah Everard’s passing broke, I could physically feel my heart...
Not a model minority, china doll, nor punching bagAmber Li Opinion March 22, 2021 0By Amber Li, March 23, 2021 Every single day I’m terrified. I’m terrified for my family, for my friends and...
Spanish music pushes boundaries for a global takeoverCoco Chica Opinion March 22, 2021 0By Coco Chica, March 23, 2021 You get in your car and turn on the stereo. Suddenly, “Gasolina” by Daddy Yankee starts...
When the phone dies, the pages see you thriveGrace Johnson Opinion March 15, 2021 0By Grace Johnson, March 16, 2021 Humanity has officially had its one-year anniversary existing in a world with COVID-19, among...
Free Britney: The heartbreaking journey to save the pop starMoustafa Elhadary Opinion March 15, 2021 0By Moustafa Elhadary, March 16, 2021 Pop star Britney Spears hasn’t been truly free for 12 years. After Spears’ breakdown...
Political correctness is pure flimflam, I do not like it Sam I am!Caden Merrill Opinion March 8, 2021 1By Caden Merrill, March 9, 2021 Being the Gen-Zer that I am, it should come as no surprise that I...
My body is not for you blackfishJasmine Smith Opinion March 8, 2021 0By Jasmine Smith, March 9, 2021 Growing up, when I would look in the mirror, I didn’t like what I...
Watching the watchmen: why you should question the wealthyJoshua Hernandez Opinion March 2, 2021 0By Joshua Hernandez, Mar. 02, 2021 For many Americans looking to turn their savings into a fortune, the stock market...
I pray for an immigration reform Diana Vasquez Opinion March 2, 2021 0By Diana Vasquez, Mar. 02, 2021 My parents migrated from Mexico so that my sister and I could have a...
The customer is always right, except for when they’re notLauren Muttram Opinion February 22, 2021 0By Lauren Muttram, Feb. 23, 2021 Shocked, I stood in the middle of my workplace when a woman — who...