You can’t buy your way into hip-hop: A response to ’Drake’s cultural impact transcends the battle with Kendrick Lamar’
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
Kellogg Drive onramp closed for graduationJessica Araujo News May 7, 2019 0For this year’s commencement ceremonies, caps and gowns will mingle with ample traffic. Jim Medina, public information officer for Caltrans...
Basic needs initiative provides improved resourcesThe Poly Post News May 7, 2019 0By Elizabeth Aquino and Elizabeth Hernandez New services focused on resolving student food insecurity and financial instability are being implemented...
Admissions wrongfully denies transfers studentsTaylor A. Boomsma News May 7, 2019 0Admissions & Enrollment Planning wrongfully denied 262 transfer applications for the fall semester due to an error. Cal Poly Pomona...
Semester conversion totals $10 millionEileen Qiu News May 7, 2019 0After four years of planning and implementing the necessary steps for completion, Cal Poly Pomona switched to semester conversion for...
Poly Pantry now open in the BSCThe Poly Post News May 7, 2019 0By Elizabeth Hernandez and Sarah Madrigal Students searching for solutions to food insecurity can now find relief at the Poly...
A cultural take on graduationJacqueline Ayala News May 7, 2019 0Bronco Dreamers Graduation The third annual Undocu-Graduation occurred on May 1 in Ursa Major at the Bronco Student Center (BSC)...
Students share their opinions on graduating in four yearsTaylor Johnson News May 7, 2019 0Since CPP switched from quarters to semesters almost one year ago, students are reevaluating whether the goal of graduating in...
CLA in limboTaylor A. Boomsma News April 30, 2019 0After the SSB opening, the CLA tower remains empty, scattered with office remains. The fate of the Classroom, Laboratory and...
NSF awards Science Department $475,000Ruth Olivares News April 30, 2019 0The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Chantal Stieber and her research team the Faculty Early...
Votes deducted due to election code violationsElizabeth Hernandez News April 30, 2019 0Three election code violations related with campaign marketing occurred during this month’s Associated Students Inc. (ASI) elections. Of the 2,306...