Constant demand for perfection in music performance industry is toxic, harmful, draining but I love it
Manifestantes de Los Ángeles se unen por los derechos de los inmigrantes en medio de crecientes redadas de ICE
Skewing the White Gaze: Learning about Latino and Chicano culture at CPPDaniel Felipe Duque Arts and Culture May 9, 2023 0By Daniel Duque, May 9, 2023 Cal Poly Pomona featured three artists prominent in the Latino and Chicano art scene...
Book talk unites intersections of LGBTQIA+ and the Brown communityThe Poly Post, Billy Huang and Marvin Villanueva Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Billy Huang and Marvin Villanueva, May 2, 2023 Cal Poly Pomona’s sociology Professor Anthony Ocampo published his latest book, “Brown...
ASI draws students in with Korean music and culture at K-Pop NightGwen Soriano Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Gwen Soriano, May 2, 2023 Korean-pop fanatics danced the night away to their favorite songs during K-Pop Night, a collaborative...
Curious Publishing: A blooming platform for the unheardDeena Wicker Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Deena Wicker, May 2, 2023 What began as a conceptual art project for Curious Publishing founder Rebecca Ustrell blossomed into...
AASC members skate the night awayJoseph Mcvey Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Joseph Mcvey, May 2, 2023 Cal Poly Pomona’s African American Student Center hosted a roller-skating event at “Skate Express,” inviting...
Methods behind getting proper rest: dream team sleep workshopThe Poly Post, Alexander Novoa and Noel Sanchez Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Alexander Novoa and Noel Sanchez, May 2, 2023 With the end of the semester winding down and final exams right...
Broncos showed off a range of musical talents at the 19th annual Songwriter ShowcaseEmely Bonilla Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Emely Bonilla, May 2, 2023 After a semester of hard work and dedication, songwriters from all parts of campus were...
The Renaissance Fair, a place for the adventurousLuis Olguin Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Luis Olguin, May 2, 2023 Take a step into the past and view the wonders that await you. The Original...
‘Evil Dead Rise’ spews new blood for the chainsaw-revving, horror seriesGregory Karp Arts and Culture May 2, 2023 0By Gregory Karp, May 2, 2023 In “Evil Dead Rise,” director Lee Cronin introduces demonic possession to new and returning fans...
CPP Jazz Ensembles swing its way into audience heartsVictoria Mejicanos Arts and Culture April 25, 2023 0By Victoria Mejicanos, April 25, 2023 In the heat of concert season, with a full recital hall shining lights and...