Posibles redadas de ICE amenazan el cuerpo estudiantil; Para preparar y proteger los estudiantes por los reglamentos de CSU
The modern information warfareNoor Naji Opinion August 20, 2019 0With now over a year since Cambridge Analytica’s major data breach, information warfare and psychographic targeting are still prominent tools...
Big brother watching in China and beyondNoor Naji Opinion April 30, 2019 0George Orwell’s “1984” setting of a dystopian, surveillance state wasn’t some fiction of the past, but can be most vividly...
Assange arrest puts journalists at riskNoor Naji Opinion April 16, 2019 0Julian Assange’s indictment last Thursday by the Trump administration goes well beyond “hacking” and having “manners and means of conspiracy.” ...
No surprise: Muslims have long been targetsNoor Naji Opinion March 26, 2019 0On March 15, 50 people were killed in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday prayers. The terrorist attack...
Omar tweets highlight Israel questionNoor Naji Opinion March 5, 2019 0Earlier last month, congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D–Minneapolis, was asked to resign by President Donald Trump for sending anti-Israel tweets. And...
Decline in readers a worrying trendNoor Naji Opinion February 19, 2019 0It’s amazing how our brains interpret little figures and symbols inked onto sheets of tree, connecting us to worlds and...
Standoff a reminder of past injusticesNoor Naji Opinion January 29, 2019 0The viral video of a Catholic teen and a Native American activist has been watched by millions since the incident...
The cost of English globalizationNoor Naji Opinion January 22, 2019 0It was Theodore Roosevelt who proclaimed that “We have room for but one language here, and that is the English...