Broken AC units leave students and faculty swelteringKristine Pascual News September 12, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, September 12, 2023 Allegations of broken air conditioning in certain campus buildings have risen during the first...
I feel like a guest in my own homeKristine Pascual Opinion September 12, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, Sept. 12, 2023 On my first official day of college, my grandpa died. I received several...
The parallels between Kristine and CoralineKristine Pascual Opinion September 5, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, Sept. 5, 2023 If I picked a color button to sew in place of my eyes, I...
BroncoFusion amps up CPP students to kick off the new yearKristine Pascual Arts and Culture August 29, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, August 29, 2023 ASI Beat hosted Cal Poly Pomona’s annual BroncoFusion Aug. 25, welcoming students to celebrate...
CPP’s AMM is saving the world one thread at a timeThe Poly Post, Tessa Dufore, Kristine Pascual and Lann Nguyen News May 9, 2023 0By Tessa Dufore, Lann Nguyen and Kristine Pascual, May 9, 2023 Large machines whirred as students from Cal Poly Pomona’s...
Why journalists are needed, now more than everKristine Pascual Opinion April 18, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, April 18, 2023 As a young woman who aspires to be a journalist someday, I have received...
Union workers reach tentative agreement with LAUSDKristine Pascual News April 11, 2023 0By Kristine Pascaul, April 11, 2023 Los Angeles Unified School District reached a tentative deal with the union including a...
Abortion pill threatened by Trump-appointed judgeKristine Pascual News April 11, 2023 0By Kristine Pascaul, April 11, 2023 The legality of a key abortion pill, mifepristone, lies in the hands of a...
Women still face inequalities in 2023Kristine Pascual Opinion March 7, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, March 7, 2023 Despite it being 2023, women are still facing many inequalities. Whether it be in...
The Triennial Art Department Faculty Show returnsKristine Pascual Arts and Culture February 28, 2023 0By Kristine Pascual, Feb. 28, 2023 Every three years, the W. Keith and Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery at Cal Poly...