The Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity raised awareness and money for the Autism Speaks organization during its Philanthropy Week.
The fraternity, along with other participating fraternities, managed to raise over $10,000 for its philanthropy.
According to the Alpha Xi Delta website, “Alpha Xi Delta is a progressive organization dedicated to the personal growth of women. Through membership in Alpha Xi Delta, Sisters are inspired to realize their potential through the ideals our Founders instilled in our Fraternity: Sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service to our communities.”
The Alpha Xi Delta fraternity is a proud partner of the Autism Speaks organization, helping to raise awareness and money for the organization.
The fraternity has raised more than $10,000,000 for Autism Speaks, according to its website.
According to the Autism Speaks website, “Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.”

(Zuvanny Macias | The Poly Post)
The fraternity often hosts events for Autism Speaks including participating in the Autism Speaks Walk, celebrating World Autism Month, observing World Autism Awareness Day and fundraising.
“For the whole week we’re shooting for … $7,500 but we’re hoping to do $8,000,” said Taylor Sunga, a fourth-year political science major and a member of the Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity in regards to how much the group was hoping to raise during the weeklong event.
The fraternity kicked off the event Sunday with a house and car-decorating event to raise awareness for Autism Speaks.
On Monday, they held a puzzle piece campaign, where they sold puzzle pieces for $1 and attached them to their big AXD letters.
On Tuesday, the fraternity hosted a bake sale where multiple fraternities participated such as the Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi, Pi Kappa Phi, Kappa Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Triangle and Phi Kappa Tau.
Chris Romero, a fifth-year civil engineering major and president of the Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE) fraternity, said, “Basically we were just trying to raise as much as we could. We baked 200 cookies shaped in puzzle pieces for Autism Speaks.”
These cookies contained a small fact about autism tied to a ribbon around the cookies.
The fraternity sold around 100 cookies, but its biggest sale was Pie a Pike, where someone could throw a plate topped with shaving cream and pay $3 for one of the brothers or $5 for coaches who participated.
The PIKE fraternity raised over $300 during its participation in Tuesday’s bake sale.
On Wednesday, the fraternity had a fun “Catch a Xi” event where sisters would wear a white T-shirt and when found, participating organizations would write their name and organization.
The fraternity kicked Thursday off with a flat football game, a game that was won by the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity.
To end the week, AXiD hosted “Xiti with the Xi,” a banquet that started at 7 p.m. to celebrate that the group surpassed its goal for the week.
Throughout the whole week, AXiD was giving information at its table about the Autism Speaks organization.
There was also the inclusion of penny wars, where each participating organization had a jar that accumulated points by the amount of coins in its jar.
Other organizations could be sabotaged and given negative points by receiving paper bills.
All of the proceeds from the weeklong event will be going directly to the Autism Speaks organization.