The Poly Post

How to protect yourself from the flu

Among the many airborne illnesses that exist in the world, the common cold and influenza viruses are the ones most often caught by many of the world’s populace. 

The reason is that there are many cold and flu viruses that are constantly changing their DNA to be able to infect someone who’s had it and fought it out before. 

The common cold is a frustrating experience because of how much it clogs the sinuses, but at least it isn’t deadly. That is the one and only positive to the common cold. 

(Eduardo Rangel | The Poly Post)

However, influenza has the potential to kill. According to Kaiser Permanente’s vaccine information statement, the people who are most vulnerable to the flu’s worst effects are infants, children, seniors, pregnant women and people with health conditions or a weakened immune system. It is important for people who fall into this criteria to be cautious during flu season and be proactive in protecting themselves.

Unfortunately for the entirety of the human race, flu spreads as easily as colds.

No one likes to be sick. Being sick ruins just about everything: plans, schedules and even our courtesy in public. 

In fact, I would go as far as to say even being in public with a contagious illness is one of the worst things human beings can possibly do. Doing so puts everyone around them in danger. especially if they are susceptible to the flu’s worst effects.

Yes, I do realize adults have busy lives and unforgiving work schedules. The lives of Cal Poly Pomona students are no exception with busy and unforgiving class schedules.

Some workplaces and classes will allow time for recovery from illness, but in the rare cases of such places that don’t, here’s an easy tip: Wear a face mask. 

I specifically refer to the ones in Japanese anime that are meant to cover the nose and mouth. Wearing them is protocol for people in Japan who have a contagious illness they are recovering from in order to avoid spreading it to others in public. 

I have seen some students wear them around campus. Whenever I get sick, I wear them too. 

Wearing a face mask is an excellent courtesy. 

My next tip is one that will help prevent you from catching flu: Get a flu shot.

The Baldwin Park Kaiser hospital is one of the stops of the 486 Foothill Transit bus to El Monte Station, so it’s a good place for CPP students to get a shot. Especially since shots are free to Kaiser members and anywhere from $20-$90 for non-members, according to the Kaiser Permanente website.

Also, from Oct. 8-11, students can take advantage of the flu shots that will be given on campus at the Student Wellness Center.

With two convenient and free options for flu vaccines, CPP students ought to be quite safe from the flu this year. 

It is highly advised to get a shot for everyone’s own good, especially yours.

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