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CPP introduces online platform to aid students’ health and wellbeing

By Allen Valdez, May 9, 2021

Cal Poly Pomona launched a new website this semester in partnership with YOU at College to create YOU at CPP, an online platform designed to assist students on topics that are centered around mental and physical health.

With the focus on students’ wellbeing, the platform allows students to create their own accounts and personalize the program as it provides tools on how to balance academics and health.

Nancy Robles, director of Counseling and Psychological Services, described what the university hopes this platform can instill in students’ lives, especially relating to academics.

“I think the overall wellbeing of our students, so really, a comprehensive outlook on their wellbeing in all areas of their college experience,” Robles said. “Really being able to have something that they can go to and find resources, assistance, guidance and places where to go for support in all these areas.”

A major focal point for the YOU at College platform is confidentiality, guaranteeing that when a student creates an account, their responses and activities are safe and secure.

“This is one of the things that is very important to students, the confidentiality of their searches and what they’re wanting to find in there and get out of the platform,” Robles said. “Our hope is that that is something that is very attractive to students.”

Senior Coordinator of Health Promotion and Wellness Services Kenya Rampersant detailed one of the platforms’ strongest qualities. “The great thing about this program is that it’s available 24/7,” Rampersant said. “Students can access any of these resources or anything that they’re looking for at any time when they may not be able to get a hold of a staff member, they can always access this platform as well and get some great resources.

According to Rampersant, the YOU at College platform was first introduced to CPP staff during the fall of 2019 through the California State University Chancellor’s Office as part of a new initiative across the system.

Rampersant also credited the University of Colorado for providing them feedback on how YOU at performed on their campus and helped CPP understand how the platform worked and how to successfully utilize it to aid students. Preet Bhogal, a third-year management and human resources student, sees the value in adding a resource such as YOU at CPP for some students.

“I know I’m in the minority here but I’m great with handling stress, so I’ve never needed any help,” Bhogal said. “However, I know a lot of friends who can benefit from this and I’ll be asking them to check it out.”

Leticia Gutierrez-Lopez, associate vice president for student health & wellbeing, weighed in on how this service fits into the campus’ overall approach to wellbeing.

“I view this as an effort that is very closely aligned with what the university is doing around campus wellbeing as a whole and it’s even part of the university’s strategic plan that we are focusing on student’s wellbeing as well as the entire campus’ wellbeing,” Gutierrez-Lopez said. “It’s a tool that many people can use that is definitely geared toward a holistic wellbeing approach.”

For more information about YOU at CPP, students can visit and create an account at:

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