The Poly Post

ASI Board of Directors approves price increase for Campus Recreation personal training

By David Herbold, Feb. 23, 2021

The ASI Board of Directors approved changes to structure and a price increase for virtual coaching and personal training during its meeting on Feb. 18.

Iván Serrano, Campus Recreation fitness coordinator, presented the new structure in preparation for a return to campus. Serrano’s presentation detailed what Campus Recreation is introducing as a new form of virtual one-on-one exercise interaction. The main programs include virtual coaching, which takes place online, and traditional in-person training.

With remote learning, ASI’s Campus Recreation has created online fitness classes as an alternate way for students to exercise and continue to develop new ways for students to stay fit, but the return of in-person training will not begin until people return to campus.

“As we’re making our plan to come back to campus, we are fully expecting that we are going to be programming in some sort of hybrid model,” said Serrano. “If there is a virtual option that we can go with, I want to make sure we can offer those services as needed.”

The price of virtual coaching and personal training was increased, now ranging from $5 to $20 which is about a 5% increase overall, depending on the service, in anticipation for the upcoming change in minimum wage in 2022. Buddy training is also offered for both virtual coaching and personal training that allows for a discount for two people training together.

“They’re still very competitive rates; not just for the local private industry, but also for other Cal State Rec Centers in the area,” said Serrano.

The second presentation shown at the meeting was a recap and preview for the programming of Kids University, a tutoring and activity club for children in kindergarten through 6th grade run by ASI Campus Recreation that is currently operating online.

Marissa Engel, youth and safety programs coordinator for Kids University, discussed the success of the first virtual programming at Kids University. The program’s biggest success during its first online semester was the group and individual tutoring with over 100 participants. The tutoring offerings are planned to expand in the spring.

Engel also noted that any CPP students who have dependent children or siblings they take care of would not be charged for utilizing the Kids University program.

This opportunity to support children virtually also gave CPP students studying early childhood development, liberal studies or in teaching credential programs, the opportunity to complete required fieldwork hours.

This year, Kids University is putting its Leaders in Training program on hold until the return to in person. Engel said the change came after gathering feedback from those who participated in the fall.

“We learned that 13 to 15-year-olds don’t want to be on the computer any longer than necessary with people they don’t know,” said Engel.

The board of directors is next scheduled to meet on March 4. The agenda, minutes and Zoom link for previous and upcoming board meetings can be found here.

Feature graphic by Sharon Wu. 

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