The Poly Post

Credit/no credit grading option now available

The Office of Student Success has allowed students to opt out from letter grades for a credit/no credit option for the spring term to minimize adverse impacts to academic performance due to changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the university announced in an email addressed to all active students April 8. 

“We understand that the shift to virtual instruction has disrupted your educational experience this semester,” the university-wide email from the Office of Student Success stated. “In an effort to reduce any adverse effects on your academic progress, we are offering you the flexibility to choose different grading options for spring 2020. We hope that this will help you focus on successfully completing the semester in these unforeseen and challenging circumstances.” 

(Eduardo Rangel | The Poly Post)

Aside from the credit/no credit policy, undergraduate students may also choose a letter grade/no credit option, which allows students to receive a letter grade of C or above and receive no credit for grades D or below. While graduate students have a similar opportunity, they will need to receive a grade of B or higher to receive a letter grade. 

“I’m glad the university is offering multiple options,” said Helen Nguyen, a fourth-year English education student. “It gives students a chance to not let the pandemic, which is something out of their control, affect their grades.” 

According to the email, students will be able to begin changing their grading options online starting April 16. 

The deadline for submissions will be on May 8. 

Those who do not submit any changes will continue receiving traditional letter grading.

Classes will continue via virtual format throughout the summer 2020 semester, as announced March 30 by the Office of Student Success.

It is unclear whether the option for credit/no credit grading will be available for the summer term. 

The option is currently under discussion by the California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Office and the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Senate, and an announcement will be made as soon as a decision is reached. 

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