The Poly Post

Students share their thoughts on CSU travel restrictions and COVID-19 prevention tips

Photos and quotes compiled by staff writer Carla Ghafari.

The coronavirus has made its way across the U.S. and other parts of the world. The California State University (CSU) system has suspended study abroad programs in Italy, China and South Korea due to the coronavirus concerns. 

Although there have been no confirmed cases reported at any of the 23 CSU campuses, many of them have gone into fully online mode, including Cal Poly Pomona. Starting on March 18 to March 27, CPP classes will be completely online as a precaution. What are students doing in order to be cautious about this virus?

Jacob Jimenez | Second-year mechanical engineering student

“Yes, I have heard some news about the study abroad suspension but I’m not fully aware of the details. From what I do know though, it is a good move on the CSU system to prevent more students from getting sick. Some precautions that I am taking include washing my hands and minimizing the amount of contact I have with people in public spaces.” 

Robinson Wills | Second-year economics student

“Yes, I did hear about the new CSU system where (it is) taking away all (of its) study abroad programs. Honestly, on a day-to-day basis, if I were to start implementing methods to prevent getting sick it would be an inconvenience. So, at this point I will just continue to do what I did before the coronavirus stuff came out.” 

Marissa Ragaza | First-year psychology student

“I have not heard about anything regarding the study abroad program being canceled, but I understand why. What I am doing to prevent being sick is, I work with kids, so if they seem to be sick, I send them home and same goes for me. I will stay home and wash my hands.” 

Greg Manouchehri | Fifth-year economics student

“No, I haven’t heard about the CSU study abroad programs being canceled. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal though, there’s classes being taught online here and they can do the same. I’m definitely being more aware of my surroundings more and washing my hands a lot. If I sneeze, I try not to make other people paranoid so I cover my mouth. As far as not going places because of the virus, it’s not going to stop me.” 

Kedra Rodriguez | First-year psychology student

“I did hear about the CSU study abroad program being shut down through a friend who was going to go to Rome. To prevent being sick, I wash my hands and not touch my face as much.”

John MacKean | Third-year economics student

“Yes, I have heard about the new CSU suspension on study abroad programs. I have friends who have had to come back home from their great study abroad experience because of the coronavirus. I haven’t changed too much of my daily routine as far as preventing getting sick. However, I have been taking more vitamins, allergy pills and washing my hands more. I also have hand sanitizer on me at all times.” 

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