The Poly Post

Students share their opinions on ASI

After historically low turnout in the last elections, students expressed what they like and dislike about student government.

Edna Lomeli | First-year transfer biology student 

“I know a few people from ASI but I’m not too familiar with their events. I feel like they have a lot to give to the campus … a lot of the times people attend for the free stuff. They do have nice things to give out like water bottles, keychains and all that, but everyone has different opinions about ASI, so it just depends on the person.”


Ricardo Mendez | First-year transfer sociology student

“I’ve haven’t been at Cal Poly [Pomona] for long so I don’t really know much about ASI. However, I do think ASI puts [on] a lot of useful events and I’ve looked into one, which is the Death Valley hike and I applaud them for doing that. That got my attention real quick.”


Christopher Chang | First-year transfer music industry studies student

“I was a treasurer for a club so I got to sit in on some of the ASI meetings and I think a change they could do is advertise a little bit more so that there’s community engagement, like with President Coley and [asking her] questions. I know ASI BEAT has awesome events like in association with Geek Week, and I have everything positive to say about events. The funding and club process is a bit complicated, but that’s to be expected.”


Julianne Mendez | Fourth-year theater student

“I think ASI is wonderful because it’s a community that is constantly active. There [are] always different events going around campus and it’s nice to see the variety of stuff they have to offer. I think everyone should go to at least one event; you never know what kind of things you’ll find at their events.”


Joanna Cao | Second-year computer science student

“To be honest, I don’t know much about ASI, but I do appreciate how they created the BRIC. So many people use it and it’s a really nice building. Since I don’t really know much about what they do, I can’t really say if there’s anything I want to see happen, but maybe more events would be nice.”


Photos and quotes compiled by staff writer Jacqueline Ayala.

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