The Poly Post

ASI Mandatory Information Sessions for prospective Student Leaders

Associated Students Inc. (ASI) elections are not happening for a few more months, so students who are interested in running have some time to consider their options and attend one of the required workshops for potential candidates.

ASI Elections Chair Maricruz Santander presents preliminary information to potential candidates. (Natali Perez | The Poly Post)

ASI Elections Chair Maricruz Santander offered some encouragement for students who are still on the fence about running.

“I hope that a lot of people have the courage to put themselves out there and make a difference in the college they belong to or just in general,” she said. “There are a lot of changes that students want to see at Cal Poly Pomona, and I hope that some individuals are courageous enough to lead the changes they want to see.”

Santander said having student leaders is what helps make turning visions of college into reality.

ASI Collins College of Hospitality Management Senator Rocio Antonio said she was inspired to run as a way to connect her college to the rest of the university.

“What influenced me to be a senator was talking to student leaders on the Facilities and Operations committee wanting to find a way to connect the Collins College to the rest of the campus since it’s so far,” she said.

Antonio has helped organize fundraisers, plan events that help students during midterms and be a part of a mentorship program that connects student government with aspiring students, to name a few things.

A day in the life of a senator varies by department.

“It can be from planning an event with your council to updating bylaws, reviewing budgets, approving or not approving sponsorships for clubs and so much more,” Antonio said.

Santander said being a part of student government comes with perks.

“You get to interact with very inspirational people like President (Soraya) Coley and the vice president,” Santander said. “You feel like a part of the school because you’re making a difference to thousands of students.”

Antonio reminded students never to be discouraged from running for a position.

“I never saw anyone like me in those positions, but once I got to college I decided to give it a try,” she said. “Anyone that’s interested can do it and It’s a good way to grow and build connections for your future.”

Open positions are available for ASI president, ASI vice president and ASI senators and it is mandatory to attend one information session.

The last two sessions will take place on Feb. 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Building 5, room 118 or on Feb. 20 from 4-6 p.m. at the Bronco Student Center in the Andromeda suite.

Information sessions cover everything from important deadlines, requirements, reasons to be an ASI student leader, reminders and much more.

For more information, contact the elections chair, Maricruz Santander, at

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