The Poly Post

Local band showcase unites CPP music scene

By Ryan Fogg, Sept. 24, 2024

The Klowinski Lounge in downtown Pomona was filled with head-banging chords and dancing crowds as six Cal Poly Pomona bands took the stage Friday, Sept. 13. The venue was packed with local college students enjoying their favorite student-led bands.  

The show consisted of many different music genres ranging from punk and shoegaze to rock, indie and metal.

Vocalist Giovanni Raimonda of I am Snake and Wumbo Williams at the Klownski Lounge. Bryan Doan | The Poly Post

Jackson Munger, an industry studies student, guitarist/co-vocalist for I am a Snake and co-organizer of the showcase, said the goal was to promote musicians and bands from the CPP music department at the local scene. 

“There is music breathing everywhere around here, and it is waiting to be discovered by people like you,” said Munger.  

Munger was able to coordinate the showcase with event planner Hannah Giles from Kairos Core Records, an indie label located in Riverside, California. According to its official website, the record label’s goal is to help local bands get their music on physical mediums. 

Shows like these for many bands are a new experience; it’s an opportunity for them to gain big-stage experience. For Jacob Lopez, a music industry studies student and lead singer/guitarist for Tough Change, this was the band’s first show at a real venue.  

“We had two shows before, one at a house and one at Cal Poly Pomona, so it was a pretty big moment for us and to see a big turnout for the opening band,” said Lopez. 

Lopez said the CPP music department was the way he made personal connections that led to the invitation to play at the Klowinski Lounge.  

As soon as I came to Cal Poly [Pomona], I met so many people in the music scene who had connections to shows and Jackson was one of them, so I am really thankful for him,” said Lopez.

Shoegaze group Tough Change brought dreamy soundscapes and ethereal vocals to deliver a mesmerizing set that left concertgoers in awe. Many in the crowd were swaying to the music and smiling to the unique melodies.

Andrew Sainz plays guitar on stage with Tough Change. This is the bands first time performing at a professional venue. Bryan Doan | The Poly Post

“The goal is to bring people together and enjoy music,” said Anthony Vargas, bass guitarist for Tough Change. “We are all there for one thing and it’s to come together and enjoy what we love.” 

Vargas added that he enjoys sharing the band’s music and recognizing CPP students who come to local shows. 

Alternative duo Reservoir Valley infused the room with melodic chords and raw vocals to deliver a memorable concert experience. The duo’s chemistry is contagious as they bring catchy choruses and layered guitar effects. This show was also the band’s first time at a venue. For them, it was a dream come true to see their art mold into reality.  

“This all started with writing in our room, and to be playing it live in front of people is a surreal feeling,” said Daniel Ruiz, a student from Mt. Sac and vocalist/guitarist for Reservoir Valley. 

Reservoir Valley’s guitarist and vocalist Daniel Diaz delivers raw vocals and melodic chords. Bryan Doan | The Poly Post

The most satisfying feeling for Ruiz is bringing everyone together to enjoy music. 

“It is a community at the end of the day, supporting one another and showing up,” said Ruiz. “It is amazing how we can come together on this night and enjoy music.”

Benjamin Martinez, a mechanical engineering student and guitarist for Reservoir Valley, said his favorite part of performing is seeing everyone in the crowd smile. 

“It always feels like at the end of every performance, we have more to give, and we definitely had that tonight where we wanted to keep going,” said Martinez.  

The following acts of the showcase consisted of Mungers band I am a snake, rock group Shit Show and CPP favorites Raccoon Cartoons and Zombieloaf. 

The underground music community is alive and well at CPP, and many musicians are encouraging other students to get involved in the local music scene.  

Munger has also planned a solo artist showcase Sept. 28 at the El Callejon Gallery.

Feature image courtesy of Bryan Doan

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