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CPP music department hosts live band performance on campus

Courtesy of Magnus Lunay

By Luke Frantz and Joseph McVey, May 9, 2023

The Cal Poly Pomona music department hosted student-led live performances featuring two rock bands May 2. 

The bands “Zombie Loaf” and “Exit 72” set up outside Building 24 and offered a music break for anyone passing by during U-hour. The event drew a large crowd as students and faculty alike swarmed to watch the young bands play. 

Zombie Loaf shared some of their thoughts on their performance and front man Damian Torres explained the thought process behind the setlist.  

“We like to start off kind of fast, slow it down a little bit midway and then we like to end heavy,” said Torres. 

The set was well received by a large group of attendees engaging with the band and rocking out to the entire set, even Billy Bronco could be seen in the crowd dancing.  

Exit 72 performed some original songs as well as some covers, following a more alternative style which contrasted with Zombie Loaf’s heavy metal style performance. CPP student and Exit 72 vocalist, Victoria Fletcher, explained their setlist choices. 

 Songs such as “Maya” and “Wallflower Party” were a couple of the band’s original songs played. 

“Honestly we thought to include these songs because we felt that they were such a good representation of our sound,” said Fletcher. 

Both bands offered the audience a wide variety of rock music, including personal anecdotes, much like Zombie Loaf’s song about being upset over burnt macaroni and cheese and Exit 72’s song about their dear cat “Maya.”  

This gave the bands a unique vibe, piquing the interest of many students as they passed by. 

The music scene at CPP has been described by some students as being very underground or unnoticed, especially when involving students looking to launch a new career in music and arts. Artists such as Fletcher have expressed gratitude to the student body that supports their music. 

Following the performances, the musicians shared their gratitude for events like these at CPP that allow bands to perform, hoping to see more similar events in the future.  

Music industry studies student Anthony Vargas came out to watch his friend perform and expressed that CPP should host these events more often.  

“I think that a lot of these bands on campus should be represented more, you know,” said Vargas. “This stuff is important to a lot of people.” 

Fletcher shared her appreciation after their first live performance and what makes these events so well received.  

“I think that hosting these events brings a good atmosphere,” said Fletcher. “Appreciation for live music and the arts is important, especially on a college campus.”

CPP is home to a wide variety of student musicians who are looking to have extra exposure. With events like these proving to be beneficial to students performing and those in the audience, it is certain that more will be made available to all in the future.  

Both of the bands involved can be found through Instagram going by the account names @loafcollective and @exit72official for anyone looking to get a live look at their next performances. 

Feature image courtesy of Magnus Lunay

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