The Poly Post

Campus content creators share their online experiences

Courtesy of Paul Nissenson

By Silas Hood, Apr. 12, 2022

From creating personal followings to supplying information for others, content creators can utilize different platforms to connect, share and learn with others. This online reality was seen by some members of Cal Poly Pomona who, for various and unique reasons, capitalized on this opportunity to build their own audiences and became content creators.

As media creators, individuals provide information and material catered to a specific audience through an array of platforms and content formats. Whichever way they choose, they all share an online identity and connection to their followers.

Professor Paul Nissenson, associate chair in the College of Mechanical Engineering, looked to utilize the web not as a means of profile development, but as a resource to provide relevant, easily accessible information he felt would be beneficial for members of the engineering department through podcasting.

“I could talk with [individuals] about it all day long but I thought it would be interesting to try this format,” shared Nissenson. “The field is so broad and so diverse, and I wanted anyone interested to get a better idea of what engineers do and what going to school requires.”

Throughout this process, Nissenson learned not only about the medium of podcasting, but also unique knowledge from his guests has opened himself and others to many opportunities in the field of engineering.

“I’ve learned a lot just by talking to a wide variety of people … it changes your outlook on many different disciplines and makes me much more aware,” said Nissenson. “I have also had to learn a lot of software and a lot about audio as well. It takes a lot of time to set things up … but I definitely think it has been worth it.”

Courtesy of Paul Nissenson

Yash Bhure, a former-computer science major, developed a following for himself and created an online career by pursuing his passion beyond what his college path had to offer, specializing in TikTok followings and analysis.

“I used to be a computer science major and I just realized social media is more my thing,” said Bhure. “Social media, it’s different. If I do it right, I am able to reach hundreds of thousands of people and impact a large amount of people”

Through developing a social media profile, many opportunities have been presented to him from sustainability to the learning experiences of creating, adapting and evolving content over time without getting caught chasing views and followers.

“I quickly started to learn from that, that my issue was I wasn’t enjoying the process, I was doing it more for once I posted,” said Bhure, recalling his first burnout from popular edit videos. “At the end of the day, everything I do, I make sure it makes me.”

The opportunity to pursue an online career through content creation is acknowledged by students on campus, alongside the commitment it can require.

“I feel like it’s a good way to get into tech… it’s a great opportunity for people who don’t necessarily want to go into college,” said Yamileth Camberos, a psychology major.

As wide as the audience who may access these forms of information and content is, the same applies to those able to try it out for themselves.

Whatever the reason or style of media creation, the world of online content provides an array of unique learning experiences along the way and presents opportunities of application to a growing technological world.

“It’s insane the stuff you can make a career out of nowadays with the internet,” added Bare.

Feature image courtesy of Paul Nissenson.

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