The Poly Post

Review: ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ brings the buzz in 2022 sequel

By Jessica Cuevas, Mar. 1, 2022

Slashing his way back to the screen, Leatherface returns with a brand-new face and new victims in a new Netflix sequel that gives the horror franchise a modern-day twist with influencers trying to renovate an old town in Texas.  Frightening screams really made the film exciting yet sinister and thrilling.

When it comes to being gory and suspenseful, this franchise never disappoints. This film wastes no time and dives right into the gruesome action. The madness continues from the 1974 storyline as Leatherface still sports his famous overalls while revving his chainsaw and attacking his terrified victims. Leatherface brings horror and nostalgia back to the big screen.

Sharon Wu | The Poly Post

Olwen Fouere returns as Sally Hardesty, the final survivor of the original film. Netflix did a wonderful job bringing her back, and it gave fans who have seen the first movie a bit of nostalgia and hope. Hardesty has been waiting 50 years to kill Leatherface and seek revenge for the murders of her friends. She is presented as fearless and is determined to bring Leatherface down to his knees and end it right then and there.

While being set in today’s day and age, it introduces characters playing social media influencers which tend to make it awkward and trying to relate to the audience was uninteresting. One of the characters said, “Try anything and you’re canceled bro,” which was comical, and took some of the edge off, but that did not get in the way of Leatherface cutting his head off. This scene felt boring in a sense that it was foolish how the character responded. I felt like in that scene it could have gone in a different direction, but Leatherface nonetheless put on a show for their livestream.

While listening to the tone and dialogue I felt that it foreshadows what happens in the movie. Early in the movie, a character quotes her grandmother when talking to a sheriff, “When Harlow sunflowers bloom…winter is doomed.”This alluded to the coming scene where Leatherface kills his first victims in a sunflower field.  I thought it was a perfect menacing scene to start off with and one where Leatherface is first seen wearing human skin as a mask.

It does a terrific job of sticking to its original not sugarcoating any of the bloody and horrific deaths, while the tempo of the music provides an intense feeling making the viewer unsure of where he could pop up at any moment. It starts off with eerie music in the beginning and then goes to a deeper sound as if he’s right behind you, the viewer. The music starts to get louder when Leatherface gets closer, giving it a dramatic feeling knowing Leatherface is standing right behind his victim. Netflix did not disappoint when it came to harsh graphics and brutal killings.

Throughout the film sisters Lila, played by Elsie Fisher, and Melody, played by Sarah Yarkin, are shown arguing; when they see Leatherface slaughtering the town, they try to protect one another. They let their fear become anger as they try to kill Leatherface and stay alive. The suspense watching these two sisters fight off Leatherface is nerve-wracking and will have the audience rooting for their survival.

This film stayed true to its creepiness and unsettling atmosphere. Despite the suspect character choices and dialogue, this film was entertaining and well executed. Netflix kept the horrific franchise bloody and suspenseful, and what better way to start the new year than with a new face?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre is now available to stream on Netflix.

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