The Poly Post

Upcoming Pomona train station to feature art exhibition honoring local heroes

The upcoming Pomona Gold Line Station, scheduled to open in 2025, is preparing to exhibit artwork that highlights the city’s inspirational community members. Pomona residents can now nominate and express gratitude to honor their everyday heroes.

After the construction is completed, the Pomona Gold Line will be opened to the public with walls featuring photographs submitted by the community with a statement sharing how the figure inspired others. The exhibition will showcase 56 Pomona residents, with the remaining submissions displayed on its website. The images will be selected by Stephen Farley, a Pomona native and artist working for the station; he will focus on featuring “a blend that accurately reflects who Pomona is.”

With the intention to immortalize individuals being honored, Farley will use an art technique called tilography, which involves transferring photographs to ceramic tiles.

“I want to celebrate not famous people, but the everyday people and how much they do to create our society and civilization,” Farley said. “The concept we came up with was a hall of gratitude where people honor those who made the most difference in their lives. And to me, that is important because it gives people a reason to think differently about Pomona.”

A sample of the photo-infused ceramic wall to be displayed on the upcoming Pomona Gold Line Station. (Courtesy of Stephen Farley)

Jeremiah Urista, a second-year psychology student, shared his opinion on public art and the upcoming exhibition at the Pomona station.

“Growing up in a low-income community, I believe it is up to the people in the community to empower each other,” Urista said. “Plus, in many cases, art can be unappreciated. But with street murals, it’s free entertainment. I think the mural would make me feel at home, and murals that are inspirational would give me hope in the community.”

As a Pomona resident, Urista hopes that the artwork can “excite the community and motivate them to see people that resemble themselves.” He also hopes that it can positively influence children to become like the figures pictured on the station, Urista added.

Foothill Gold Line Media Relations Representative Albert Ho shared the impact the Pomona station may have on the community.

“The Gold Line extension is important in providing a car-free, environmentally friendly alternative for people to get to their jobs, schools, homes, entertainment, retail and recreation spots,” Ho said. “I think it’s a wonderful idea to celebrate and honor the unsung heroes of the Pomona community, and I can’t wait to see the stories of the people that Stephen gathers as part of his campaign.”

The station, which will be located on the west of Garey Avenue and east of Fulton Road, has been under construction for the past 15 years and is expected to be completed by 2025. After completing the construction, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transpiration Authority will decide on the opening date, Ho added.

To be featured on the station wall, all photos must be submitted by Oct. 31 through its submission form. To learn more, visit its website at

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